Who is danielle
I am just a girl wanting to explore as much of the world as I can.
My name is Danielle and I started this blog to inspire other people to travel and explore all that this world has to offer. There are so many unique places to visit, cultures to learn about and experiences to enjoy. I started traveling about fifteen years ago, with my very first trip overseas to Australia. I was hooked! During the next ten years, my life was fairly average as I finished my post-secondary education, completed my CPA designation and entered the workforce full time. It is easy to get bogged down with student loans, mortgages, a career, etc. I still took the occasional trip but they were small in nature around North America.
I took my second overseas trip about five years ago to India and it re-ignited my love of travel. Since then, it has been my goal to travel to all seven continents before I turn 40. Everything was well on track until the pandemic in 2020, but I did manage to travel to two continents in 2022, allowing me to make up for lost time. I only have one more continent to visit to meet my goal, which is booked for February 2024. This blog will document my journey across the seven continents and hopefully inspire you to make some travel goals for yourself.
I don’t have a particular favorite travel style – I do very different kinds of traveling each time. Sometimes, I’m traveling solo, sometimes in a group, sometimes backpacking, etc. You get the idea. If you are looking for inspiration, then this is the place for you. Some of my trips are small in nature. I do work a full-time job and I only have four weeks of vacation so I am not able to travel extensively overseas and I don’t always have the money to travel far. Sometimes my trips are small weekend adventures near where I live.
People always tell me that I’m adventurous and brave. I don’t feel I am either of these things. I just don’t overthink it! My soul just craves exploring new places and experiencing new things and I just give it what it craves! What are your dreams? What is holding you back? What does your soul need? I am not going to pretend that every one of my trips was smooth sailing. It’s the misadventures that make for great stories and make you a stronger person. My advice to you is to stop overthinking it and just book the damn trip! And of course, have fun!